McElroy produces the finest finned tube manufacturing equipment in the world. These machines offer the versatility, speed, durability and efficiency you require to maximize the potential of your finned tube manufacturing operations. Whether your interest is for helically rolled fins or extruded high fins, the finning systems offered by McElroy provide you with a complete material handling system from the bare tube to finished finned tube.
The name McElroy is recognized worldwide as the most versatile, reliable, rugged and technically advanced equipment in the world.Over the past 45 years, McElroy has offered various different models of finning equipment. Our leadership in the industry can be credited to our focus on building efficient and reliable equipment and technical support of that equipment.
McElroy's Extruded fintube machine eclipsed prior performances recently after demonstrating that it is fully capable of producing quality fintubes
Introducing McElroy's Fintube Calculator
McElroy is pleased to offer a new Fintube Calculator that is available both on our website and as an app to help streamline the fintube sizing process.
McElroy Launches Enhanced Fintube Website
McElroy, the leading manufacturer of tube finning machines, has given their online home a renovation